Monday, May 4, 2009

Squirrel Nut Zippers, Fishtank Ensemble @ El Rey

Fishtank Ensemble
is definitely a strange name for a band, but I guess you should never judge a band by their name. At first I thought they were just influenced by Serbian music, but they were all actually from Serbia. Each member was very skilled in the art of their instrument. The singer had an almost operatic voice. The upright bass player was amazingly fast on his instrument (as was the accordian player) and would twirl it around in the air, which must be extremely difficult. I loved their mix of Serbian folk, gypsy swing music. I wasn't expecting much from Fishtank Ensemble because I had been disappointed so much by opening acts lately, but I was pleasantly surprised. This was one of the rare times when the opening act was just as good as the headliner.

Squirrel Nut Zippers
I was waiting outside for my friend who was about half an hour late. I got to see a ton of people dressed for the swing music. More Betty Page's than I could count, lots of 30s dresses, super high heels. I've never seen so many girls in heels at a show before. Then I saw a guy with crazy feathers in his hat chatting up this bum who was asking people for tickets. A girl asked if she could take a picture of him because she liked his hat. Little did she know she had just gotten an up close shot of one of the lead vocals of Squirrel Nut Zippers, Jimbo Mathis.

Here's another review that described the happenings of SNZ's performance.

Low Note: I wish I had dressed up for the show, but it was on a work day and I didn't have time to go home and change. :(

High Note
: people were really nice at this event (it was a slightly older crowd. Not many high schoolers there) and someone let me stand in front of them so I had a great view of the stage. Also, getting to see the video performance of Ghost of Stephen Foster cartoon (made by people who worked on The Simpsons).

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